Positive Resolutions

Friday, December 01, 2006

A New Direction

After 21 years in the Financial Services Industry; the last 9 as a free-lance consultant and project manager I am changing careers. In October I qualified as a Hypnotherapist as part of a three year course in Counselling and Psychotherapy. It does seem like a bit of a leap from Financial Services to Hypnotherapy but it has been a gradual progression.

Throughout my previous career I have been a trainer, coach and mentor and my passion for delivering projects has always been achieved through developing the people I work with. It never fails to amaze me how many people in Corporate life are put down for their so called weaknesses to the detriment of their many strengths. In my time working with people I've always looked to the qualities they can bring to a team and worked on how to improve their inter personal skills.

It has been during these interactions that I've always become aware of the whole person - the person who doesn't just exist within the Corporate world but has a personal life, family and interests of their own. It is so difficult to develop the whole person if you are asked to operate only within the confines of their work life.

In my practice as a Hypnotherapist I can work with the whole person and help them overcome what to others may seem like a simple issue but to the person is a defining problem. Controlling their weight or giving up smoking can transform a person giving them a new sense of purpose. Conquering a fear or phobia can free the person from a lifetime of restrictions and in today's fast paced world, finding ways to relax and de-stress are something we would all benefit from.

So here's to a new direction and my positive resolutions to use Hypnotherapy to help people move on with their lives.


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