Positive Resolutions

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Wake up to Smoking

The majority of the time with my clients my efforts are spent putting them into an hypnotic state but with Smokers part of the challenge is getting them to wake up - wake up to what they are doing to themselves. The very large warnings on the packets of cigarettes are there for a reason SMOKING KILLS.

How many times have I heard the following:
  • I only smoke low tar cigarettes
  • I don't smoke the last inch - that's where the majority of the chemicals are
  • I don't take a big drag
  • My grandfather smoked until he died of natural causes at 94
Well I'm sorry but keep telling yourself all these things when you spend the last years of your life on oxygen, when every breath you take is laboured and you can bearly talk. That's if one of the various cancers have not already claimed your life - such as mouth cancer, oesophagus cancer, pancreatic cancer - it's not always the lungs that get it first.

OK this all sounds pretty tough talk but it really is time to wake up - smokers are playing russian roulette - which cigarette will be their last?


  • Excellent - well written article - I couldn't agree more :-)

    By Blogger Simon Demler, at 2:23 am  

  • A gentleman I worked with earlier this year suffered with COPD ( some people might better know this condition as emphasyma).

    He demonstrated how difficult it was to breathe by asking me to pinch my nose and breathe only through a straw held tightly in my mouth.

    Try it for yourself and you'll see just how difficult it is. Then imagine living every day like this.

    By Blogger Rachel, at 5:01 pm  

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