Positive Resolutions

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Snow - challenge or opportunity?

Is the big freeze helping or hindering with your New Year's resolution? Is it too much of a challenge to get out of the house? Are you bored and listless?

Any challenge is also an opportunity.....

If the children have snow days - take the opportunity to rediscover your inner child with snowball fights or build a snowman.

Go for a walk with your camera and take shots of the places you see everyday but look so different completely covered in white.

Catch up on your reading or watch a film you've always meant to see but have never got round to.

Phone a friend and catch up on what they are up to.

Sit down with your 2010 diary and make some plans to get the most out of this year for you and your family.

Search online for where you might like to take a holiday or visit this year.

Buy some bird seed and watch the birds visit your garden. See if you can identify all the different species.

Sort out a cupboard or drawer that is the biggest muddle in the house currently.

Go on - do something completely different today and forget about what you feel you 'should' be doing but can't because of the big freeze. Next week when you are back to business as usual you can look back at the things you took the opportunity to do during your snow days.


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