Positive Resolutions

Friday, January 12, 2007


So how are the New Year's Resolutions going? Have you stopped smoking, gone to the gym every day, lost the pounds gained over Christmas? Maybe you didn't make any resolutions as you know you always fail?

However, if this is the year that you want to achieve your goals then maybe its time to stop focussing on willpower alone and make changes with the aid of you subconscious mind. This is where Hypnotherapy can help where willpower and determination alone will fail. Many of our resolutions are aimed at changing behaviours that are engrained as habits. With the aid of positive suggestion our subconscious mind can make that change in our behaviour at a level that makes our new resolution become the new habit.

So to succeed with your resolutions to:

  • Stop smoking
  • Control your weight
  • Improve sporting or fitness performance
  • Pass your driving test
  • Overcome fears and phobias
  • Manage stress
Then come along for a completely free, no obligation, Initial Consultation and see how you can use the power of your subconscious mind to make permanent positive resolutions.