Positive Resolutions

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Self Help

Try this now - enter 'Self Help' into the search on Books on amazon.co.uk and you'll get......wait for it......102,920 results!

So if there are over 100,000 books that can help us surely we must have all the answers to all of lives problems? I'm not convinced. It feels to me that many of these self help books are a sticking plaster for one small cut but answers for life as a whole aren't going to come from the pages of a book.

Friday, June 25, 2010

You wouldn't want to start from here......

A very old joke goes like this....'an Englishman asks an Irishman for directions to Tiperary. The Irishman answers 'to be sure you wouldn't want to start from here''

Do you know where you are starting from on the next stage of life's journey? Sometimes you need to get to a better staging post before moving on any further.